Today, I would like to share how to convert and customize markdown to html with markdown-it.
In the previous article, I created a blog with Vercel's Blog-STARTER, and when I write a markdown in this boiler plate, it is not as pretty as below.
MarkDown-IT installation
yarn add markdown-it
MarkDown-IT application
Erase the code applied to the Blog-STARTER of the vercel and apply the MarkDown-IT as shown below.
import markdownIt from "markdown-it";
const md = markdownIt({ html: true });
export default function Post({ post }: Props) {
return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: md.render(post.content) }}></div>;
HighlightJS settings
Install Highlightjs for code block highlighting.
yarn add markdown-it-highlightjs
Modify as below.
import markdownIt from "markdown-it";
import highlightjs from "markdown-it-highlightjs";
const md = markdownIt({ html: true }).use(highlightjs);
export default function Post({ post }: Props) {
return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: md.render(post.content) }}></div>;
} the theme you want. Get the css file of the theme you want and put it in the repository.
If you add a style, it will be applied as shown above.There was something lacking, so I customized the CSS as follows.
If you need it, please copy the CSS below.
pre {
background: #011627;
padding: 15px;
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 20px;
border-radius: 8px;
overflow-x: auto;
color: #fff;
pre code.hljs {
display: block;
overflow-x: auto;
padding: 1em;
code.hljs {
padding: 3px 5px;
.hljs {
background: #011627;
color: #d6deeb;
.hljs-keyword {
color: #c792ea;
font-style: italic;
.hljs-built_in {
color: #addb67;
font-style: italic;
.hljs-type {
color: #82aaff;
.hljs-literal {
color: #ff5874;
.hljs-number {
color: #f78c6c;
.hljs-regexp {
color: #5ca7e4;
.hljs-string {
color: #ecc48d;
.hljs-subst {
color: #d3423e;
.hljs-symbol {
color: #82aaff;
.hljs-class {
color: #ffcb8b;
.hljs-function {
color: #82aaff;
.hljs-title {
color: #dcdcaa;
font-style: italic;
.hljs-params {
color: #7fdbca;
.hljs-comment {
color: #637777;
font-style: italic;
.hljs-doctag {
color: #7fdbca;
.hljs-meta .hljs-keyword {
color: #82aaff;
.hljs-meta .hljs-string {
color: #ecc48d;
.hljs-section {
color: #82b1ff;
.hljs-tag {
color: #7fdbca;
.hljs-attribute {
color: #80cbc4;
.hljs-variable {
color: #addb67;
.hljs-bullet {
color: #d9f5dd;
.hljs-code {
color: #80cbc4;
.hljs-emphasis {
color: #c792ea;
font-style: italic;
.hljs-strong {
color: #addb67;
font-weight: 700;
.hljs-formula {
color: #c792ea;
.hljs-link {
color: #ff869a;
.hljs-quote {
color: #697098;
font-style: italic;
.hljs-selector-tag {
color: #ff6363;
.hljs-selector-id {
color: #fad430;
.hljs-selector-class {
color: #addb67;
font-style: italic;
.hljs-selector-pseudo {
color: #c792ea;
font-style: italic;
.hljs-template-tag {
color: #c792ea;
.hljs-template-variable {
color: #addb67;
.hljs-addition {
color: #addb67ff;
font-style: italic;
.hljs-deletion {
color: #ef535090;
font-style: italic;
Add Custom Contents
Among the plugins of MarkDown-IT, there is a plug-in to add a custom container.
yarn add markdown-it-container
How to use is as follows.
import markdownContainer from "markdown-it-container";
const md = markdownIt({ html: true }).use(highlightjs).use(markdownContainer, "tip");
Add MarkDown-Iit-Container and the second argument is to add the container name.
_here be dragons_
If you wrap it in ::: as shown above and write the container name to write the markdown, it will be changed to the HTML container as shown below. You can apply style to suit your taste.
<div class="tip">
<em>here be dragons</em>
I am using it as above. Please refer to the code below.
.tip {
padding: 0.1rem 1.5rem;
border-left-width: 0.5rem;
border-left-style: solid;
margin: 1rem 0;
border-color: #42b983;
background-color: #f3f4f5;
border-radius: 8px;
There are still many things to add, but it looks like a normal blog post. Today, I learned how to decorate a blog article using MarkDown-IT. Thank you for reading long posts.